Jaw Joint & Posture

The development and functional patterns of the head and neck are influenced by biomechanical, biochemical and biopsychosocial factors, one or more of these factors may be in a compensatory state and exacerbate imbalances within the muscular patterns. During growth and development soft tissue forms first, then hard tissues and finally teeth. Noxious habits such as nail biting/thumb sucking as well as the resting postures and functional activities of the lips tongue and orofacial muscles may result in poor tooth alignment and jaw mechanics.
Disharmony within this complex of muscles may result in jaw or tooth pain. As this complex is understood to be connected to the rest of the body via fascial, other areas of the body may also be affected such as head, neck shoulders, mid and lower back as well as joints such as knees and feet which have to compensate for even slight changes in the body’s centre of gravity which may occur. Equally, research has suggested that problems associated with these joints can also have a detrimental effect on your jaw joint position.
Early detection and intervention of poor postures of this stomatognatic system can improve dysfunctional patterning. Clinicians at MyoDynamics screen for full body posture, followed by a more in depth analysis of the orofacial posture, form and functional patterns. A therapy programme can then be tailored to the individual case to aid balancing of this complex.
As with many dysfunctional systems more than one area needs consideration. Postural jaw joint issues are likely to require a team approach with other practitioners such as dentists, chiropractors, osteopaths, and biochemical balancing.