Applied Kinesiology

Applied kinesiology (AK) was introduced by George H Goodheart Jr D.C in 1964, it is a diagnostic and therapeutic system of healthcare, to help evaluate areas of dysfunction within the body. It relies on manual muscle testing to measure the motor response of the central nervous system to a sensory challenge. This in conjunction with standard tests can be used to interpret and influence the functional integrity of the nervous system. Applied kinesiology uses the belief that the body strives for balance and has a self-correcting, self-maintaining mechanism. The three elements of health are considered biomechanical, biochemical and biopsychosocial in order to help with the bodies regulation.
When there is dysfunction within the body at least one of the three elements of health are involved. AK can explore and check these three factors and treat any disruptions. All three aspects are to be looked into to help with the individual’s complete health
MyoDynamic therapy programmes utilize applied kinesiology to aid in diagnostics of dysfunction, mechanical defects and the possible connection between associated gland or organ, stress levels in the body if applicable cranial sacral issues can be assessed. Therapies may produce immediate improved neuromuscular function which can be directly measured using manual muscle testing, involving you more directly; therapy can include direct manipulation therapy, guidance in self treatment, nutritional support and possible further referral.