Orthodontic Support

Misaligned teeth and jaw alignment is thought to come about by dysfunction of functional activities of the tongue, facial, chewing and neck muscles. Improving the resting and functional patterns of the orofacial complex and restoring nasal breathing can aid and enhance orthodontic treatments prior, during and after therapy.
Overactive chewing muscles may create a deep bite and a reduced height between the upper and lower jaw. If the muscles are underactive an open bite (teeth do not contact) can occur. When there is irregularity in the muscular function chewing becomes imbalances and lower jaw asymmetry may occur.
It is important to understand the differences between orofacial myology and dentistry. As stated by Mason (2005) Orofacial myologists are concerned with resting postures and behaviour patterns created by inappropriate muscle function and incorrect habits involving the tongue, lips and jaws. Dentists and orthodontists however are concerned with teeth together relationships. In other words the dentist/orthodontist provides care for the occlusal relationships and jaw/skeletal manipulations whereas the orofacial myologist promotes orofacial rest posture therapy.
Orofacial Myofunctional procedures enables an improved environment for dental and skeletal development to occur by assisting the development and restoring the balance of the orofacial complex, in turn the oral environment which includes an appropriate vertical dimension. Other clinicians such as cranial workers can also aid in the function of the muscles by ensuring the nerve supply to the muscle has a clear route for the information to travel along.
Communication between professional is essential at appropriate intervals providing support to their care and improved stability to the long term outcome.