
It is well recognized that the body will perform at its best when it is in balance. There needs to be good stability and relationship between the three cornerstones of health, biomechanical, biochemical and biopsychosocial aspects for this to be achieved.
The performance of an athlete may be optimized with a balanced system which is in good alignment, from the head and neck down the spine to the pelvis and extremities. The neurological, blood and lymphatic systems all work more efficiently without obstruction allowing the complete system to work optimally (including the muscles ability to work to their full potential). Balance within the body may also help reduce injury rate and improve chronic issues as a balanced or neutral alignment will relieve stress on the skeletal structure and joints.
With a healthy posture the head is carried upright and level, the ear should be aligned directly over the shoulder joint, shoulders and pelvis should also be level. Anterior head carriage is common in many people this is a compensation in posture. Considering the weight of the head is 13-15lbs, if it is in a compromised position it is obvious how this may affect the rest of the body putting strain on the neck and upper back muscles. Constant tension within the associated muscles will shorten their length and reduce the elasticity, which may have an impact on injuries and chronic problems. Other torsional patterns may be present within fasical pathways such as leg length discrepancy due to the pelvis
Fascial pathways link groups of muscles, in turn bones and posture. Head dynamics is likely be influenced by the resting and functional activity of the tongue as fascial pathways lead from the tongue to the neck vertebrae, if this relationship is in compensation due to a adapting patterns the full body posture may also be in compensation, limiting the optimum function of individual.
The majority of athletes will require interdisciplinary advice and therapy to optimize their posture and performance. A MyoDynamic assessment can assess the functional patterns of the Stomgnathic system (head and neck) and guidance on relationships to the rest of the body. Therapy programmes to retrain this complex will aid in the stability of the interdisciplinary care of an individual.