Sports & Posture

Posture refers to the position of the human body and its orientation in space. Posture involved muscle activation that, controlled by the central nervous system (CNS), leads to postural adjustments. Postural adjustments are the result of a complex system of mechanisms that are controlled by multisensory inputs (visual, vestibular and somatosensory but to name but a few) integrated in the CNS.
Compressive and tensile forces play an important role in physics and also in human physiology. Evan at cellular level were cell metabolism depends on pressure condition and tensegrity. The bipedal posture of the modern human has evolved with significant changes in skeletal form and function which is related to changes that have taken place in muscle and bone posture.
Muscles have the distinct character that they maintain the same basic tone in every position. Under normal conditions the two forces of say extensors and flexors will neutralise each other. As a result a posture will be presented.
Overall body posture can be divided into 3 levels
- Full upright body posture – as described by Littlejohn six forces lines, Lovett Brother relationship
- Orofacial and craniofascial posture
- Cellular posture
There are three basic under pinning's of posture all of which require balance:
- Biomechanical
- Biochemical
- Biopsychosocial
Significance of postural imbalance
Changes in posture are of concern to clinicians at MyoDynamics because postural deviation can produce excessive stress on the musculoskeletal system. For example as a result of a ‘forward head’ posture or an increase lumbar (lower back area of the spine) lordosis (inward curve) may be associated with spinal pain. Increased thoracic (chest area of the spine) kyphosis (outward curve) in older adults can also lead altered gait pattern, reduced physical function, increased body sway and risk of falls.